  • SPECIAL FEATURE: Unraveling the DNA of the Car of the Future, Part Three

    SPECIAL FEATURE: Unraveling the DNA of the Car of the Future, Part Three

    2018-01-20Peter Els

    In a recent article on the future of the car industry, industry insider and former GM vice chairman Bob Lutz, was quoted as saying: “Kiss the good times goodbye,” referring to the radical transformation the passenger car, and indeed the industry, is undergoing. And nowhere is this revolution more astonishing than in the automation of the vehicle.

  • SPECIAL FEATURE: Unraveling the DNA of the Car of the Future, Part Two

    SPECIAL FEATURE: Unraveling the DNA of the Car of the Future, Part Two

    2018-01-19Peter Els

    Never before in the 130 year history of the auto industry, has the automobile undergone such revolutionary changes: Cars that drive themselves, cars that can communicate with each other and smart infrastructure, cars that are shared and not owned, and even cars that are powered by electric motors. Central to all these emerging technologies is a higher level of electrification.

  • SPECIAL FEATURE: Unraveling the DNA of the Car of the Future, Part One

    SPECIAL FEATURE: Unraveling the DNA of the Car of the Future, Part One

    2018-01-18Eric Walz

    This multipart special feature looks at the rapid advancements in the automobile over the past twenty years, to the car of the future. From the humble beginnings of the electric car, to fully autonomous, internet connected vehicles equipped with advanced safety systems, powered entirely by electricity.