
Growing UK's EV Charging Network Urgently Requested by Fleets

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【Summary】The UK Electric Fleets Coalition is urging the government to expand the country's EV charging network to support the transition of fleets to electric vehicles. The coalition argues that access to kerbside charging is a concern for fleets without off-road parking, and without government support, businesses cannot invest in EVs at the necessary scale. Businesses are calling for clarity and certainty from the government to help them increase their investments in EVs.

FutureCar Staff    Nov 17, 2023 5:20 AM PT
Growing UK's EV Charging Network Urgently Requested by Fleets

The UK Electric Fleets Coalition (UKEFC) is calling on the Government to prioritize the development of the country's charging network to accommodate the growing number of fleets transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs).

Backed by 21 businesses, the UKEFC emphasizes the importance of maintaining momentum in the UK's EV transition.

One of the key concerns raised by the UKEFC, which is managed by the Climate Group, is the accessibility of kerbside charging for fleets whose employees lack off-road parking and home chargers.

The report argues that without the Government's recognition of the crucial role of kerbside charging infrastructure, businesses in the UK cannot invest in EVs at the necessary speed and scale to meet their own commitments.

For fleets to confidently increase their investments in EVs, they require clear and certain guidance from the Government.

Sandra Roling, the director of transport at the Climate Group, emphasizes the need for the UK to maintain its leadership in the EV sector and urges the Government to take immediate action to support businesses in scaling up their EV investments.

She also highlights the importance of consistent signals from the Government to encourage businesses to make these investments.

Clive Selley, CEO of Openreach, the second largest commercial fleet in the UK with over 29,000 vans, acknowledges the negative environmental impact of their fleet and commits to transitioning to a zero-emissions fleet by 2031.

Openreach has already purchased 2,800 electric vans and installed chargers at engineers' homes. However, challenges remain, including the lack of public charging infrastructure and off-street parking for engineers who cannot charge their vans at home.

Selley emphasizes the need for the Government to step up and ensure that the charging network can adequately support the widespread adoption of electric vehicles in the UK.

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