
Wildfire threatens Hawaiian town

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【Summary】A wildfire in Lahaina, Hawaii, destroyed homes and killed at least 101 people. Residents were forced to evacuate as the fire rapidly spread through the town, fueled by strong winds. Many residents were not alerted in time to evacuate, causing frustration and fear. The fire also poses a threat to the tourism industry in the area. Survivors are left devastated, having lost their homes and possessions in a matter of minutes.

FutureCar Staff    Aug 17, 2023 12:59 AM PT
Wildfire threatens Hawaiian town

In Olowalu, Hawaii, Yadira Ulloa experienced the terrifying moment when a wildfire ravaged her town of Lahaina. While pumping gas near her apartment building, strong winds caused by a distant hurricane blew shingles off the roof, igniting the fire. Ulloa, realizing her teenage daughter was alone in their apartment, quickly went to find her. Miraculously, they were able to escape just in time before the fire consumed their building and the gas station nearby.

The wildfire, which rapidly spread from the grasslands outside of town into Lahaina, resulted in the tragic deaths of at least 101 people. The fire covered a 5-square-mile area of the town in just a few hours, leaving behind devastation and loss.

For the residents of Lahaina, the aftermath of the fire has been challenging. The recovery efforts are hindered by the magnitude of the damage and the logistical difficulties involved. Additionally, the residents are also concerned about the impact on their local economy as tourism, a significant source of income, may decline.

Yadira Ulloa, who works as a housekeeper, found temporary refuge with her older daughter in the village of Olowalu. However, the trauma of the fire has taken a toll on her, leaving her unable to eat or sleep properly. Like many others, she wishes there had been an emergency alert system in place to prompt early evacuation.

Kiet Ma, a taxi driver, was also affected by the wildfire. As the fire approached, he was at home while his wife, Daisy Luu, was out on the road. However, due to the loss of phone and electrical services, he was unable to reach her. Eventually, he made the decision to evacuate and joined his wife at her sister's home in Olowalu. Unfortunately, when they returned to their home, they discovered that it had been completely destroyed. Their years of hard work and everything they had invested into their house were gone in an instant.

The residents of Lahaina are now faced with the daunting task of rebuilding their lives and their community. The road to recovery will be long and challenging, but their resilience and determination will undoubtedly carry them through.

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