
Weird Veins on Tesla Yoke

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【Summary】The Tesla Yoke has a strange crease known as the 'Tesla Worm', which is present on the steering wheels of various Tesla models. This issue is not a quality control problem and affects both new and replaced steering wheels. The exact nature of the 'Tesla Worm' remains unclear.

FutureCar Staff    Aug 16, 2023 6:24 AM PT
Weird Veins on Tesla Yoke

Tesla has been no stranger to quality control issues in the past, but the latest complaint against the company doesn't actually have to do with quality control. A recent Reddit thread shed light on the issue, leaving many curious about what it is. Referred to as the 'Tesla Worm' by Teslarati, this peculiar problem involves a noticeable crease on the center hub of the yoke steering wheel found in Tesla Model X, Model S, Model 3, and Model Y.

Interestingly, it doesn't matter if your Tesla is brand new or if the steering wheel has been replaced after peeling itself, as this crease seems to be present in all of them. However, the question remains: is the Tesla Worm truly a quality control defect? And what exactly causes it?

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