
Tesla control with Apple Siri.

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【Summary】Tesla has introduced Apple Shortcuts integration in its mobile app update, allowing Tesla owners to control their vehicles using Siri. Users can create shortcuts for tasks such as setting charge limits or opening the trunk. The integration opens up new possibilities for automating Tesla tasks and showcases the increasing connection between the automotive industry and digital lives. This integration is advantageous as it allows for voice control and customization of shortcuts.

FutureCar Staff    Aug 22, 2023 9:26 AM PT
Tesla control with Apple Siri.

Tesla is introducing Apple Shortcuts integration as part of a new update to its mobile app. This integration will allow Tesla owners to automate and use Siri to control their vehicles.

According to Apple, Siri Shortcuts provide a quick way to perform tasks with apps through a tap or by asking Siri. The Shortcuts app enables users to create personal shortcuts with multiple steps from their favorite apps. Users can start from pre-existing examples or create their own shortcuts.

With Apple Shortcuts, Tesla owners can utilize Siri for various tasks such as setting a charge limit, opening the trunk, and turning on the air conditioning. However, it's important to note that this feature is only available after updating the Tesla app to version 4.24.0.

After installing the update, users can open the Apple Shortcuts app to create a new shortcut. They can add a "Set Tesla Vehicle Action" action to the shortcut, which allows them to select specific Tesla actions like "close trunk" or "turn on the A/C."

Once the shortcut is created, it can be activated by simply saying "Hey Siri, run [shortcut name]." For example, users can say "Hey Siri, turn on the radio." This update follows a similar integration with the ChatGPT app for iOS earlier this year.

The integration of Apple Shortcuts with Tesla enables users to control their cars using voice commands, which can be particularly useful when their hands are full. Additionally, this integration opens up new possibilities for automating Tesla tasks.

For instance, users can create a shortcut to start the radio and turn on the A/C when they leave for work in the morning. This highlights the increasing connectivity between the automotive industry and our digital lives.

In the future, it will be interesting to see if smartphones can control more aspects of cars and if cars can control other smart devices. In the meantime, let's explore some of the advantages of using Apple shortcuts with Tesla.

According to a shared screenshot, users will be able to interact with Tesla by holding the side button or saying "Hey Siri" followed by a shortcut command. They can lock/unlock their Tesla, start/stop it, precondition it, and more.

Furthermore, users can customize their shortcuts to suit their specific needs. Overall, the Apple Shortcuts integration enhances the efficiency and convenience of Tesla cars.

It's important to note that the Tesla-Apple Integration benefits both Tesla and Apple. Tesla simplifies the car control process, while Apple gains a foothold in the automotive market.

Voice control is gaining popularity in the automotive industry, and the Tesla-Apple Integration provides a glimpse into the future of transportation. As cars become more intelligent, we can expect to see further integration with other devices.

Therefore, the Tesla-Apple integration is a positive development for both companies and the automotive industry as a whole. However, it remains unclear if Tesla has thoroughly tested the integration with Apple Shortcuts, and more details may be revealed in the coming days.

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