
Tesla Cybertruck's stainless steel and its susceptibility to fingerprints

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【Summary】The Tesla Cybertruck's stainless steel body appears to be a fingerprint magnet, with photos showing smudges and marks. It's unclear how Tesla plans to address this issue or if a solution is in the works. The stainless steel body could make the truck prone to smudges, similar to stainless steel appliances. Fans have raised concerns about the difficulty of maintaining the truck's appearance.

FutureCar Staff    Aug 20, 2023 9:20 AM PT
Tesla Cybertruck's stainless steel and its susceptibility to fingerprints

Tesla's Cybertruck has been making headlines for its unique design and features. However, recent photos of the stainless steel truck have revealed a potential issue - it appears to smudge easily. This is not surprising, as stainless steel appliances are known for being magnets for fingerprints and smudges.

It remains unclear how Tesla plans to address this issue or if the company is actively working on a solution. One Tesla fan took to social media to express their concern, stating that owners will have to either learn to live with the smudges or wrap the truck immediately to protect its appearance.

Further evidence of the smudging problem can be seen in photos taken by Getty, which show broad smudges marring the sides of the Cybertruck. This raises questions about the practicality of the stainless steel body and whether it requires frequent cleaning and maintenance.

Experts suggest that stainless steel surfaces should be cleaned about once a week to prevent them from looking grimy, and some even recommend applying olive oil to help repel smudges. However, it remains to be seen what measures Tesla will take to address this issue.

This is not the first time that Cybertruck fans have expressed concerns about smudging. In online forums, users have questioned whether the truck's exterior will maintain its pristine appearance after a few weeks of use.

It's worth noting that Tesla's gigafactory in Texas recently produced its first Cybertruck model, but changes to the design could still be made before its official release. The stakes are high for Tesla, as the Cybertruck has already garnered over 1.5 million pre-orders, each requiring a $100 deposit.

Despite the smudging issue, Tesla CEO Elon Musk remains confident in the Cybertruck's success and has stated that deliveries will begin by the end of the year. Only time will tell if the company can overcome this challenge and deliver a stainless steel truck that meets the expectations of its customers.

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