
300+ Mile Range Electric Vehicles

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【Summary】Advancements in technology have resulted in the launch of many electric car models that can travel over 300 miles on a single charge. While real-world range may vary, these cars offer a comfortable range for most journeys, alleviating range anxiety.

FutureCar Staff    Oct 10, 2023 9:17 AM PT
300+ Mile Range Electric Vehicles

Tempted by an electric car but worried about range? Well, thanks to advances in technology and the launch of many new models in recent years, there are now plenty of electric cars that can travel far enough between charges to alleviate any concerns about range anxiety.

Currently, there are 37 models available that offer ranges of more than 300 miles, as tested by the official WLTP tests. Some of these electric cars can even go beyond 400 miles. This diverse range includes electric SUVs, large electric cars, and even some small electric cars.

However, it is important to note that in real-world use, few, if any, electric cars can achieve their official range, even in ideal conditions. Additionally, their range will be further reduced in cold weather. Nevertheless, any of the cars on this list should still provide a comfortable range for most journeys.

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