
Car-sharing and entrepreneurship: The future of electric vehicles

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【Summary】The electrification shift is accelerating, with EVs projected to have an 18% global market share by 2023. Environmental benefits and familiarity are key factors influencing EV purchasing and rental decisions, with 67% of potential buyers stating they are aware of the ownership experience and 71% planning to choose an EV as their next vehicle.

FutureCar Staff    Aug 18, 2023 6:27 AM PT
Car-sharing and entrepreneurship: The future of electric vehicles

The International Energy Agency predicts that the number of electric vehicles (EVs) sold worldwide in 2022 exceeded ten million. It is projected that by the end of 2023, this number will increase by 35%, resulting in an annual total of 14 million EVs sold. As a result, EVs are expected to hold an 18% share of the global automotive market, a significant increase from the 4% share they held in 2020. This data clearly indicates that the shift towards electrification is gaining momentum.

However, it is important to understand the factors that influence consumers' decisions to purchase or rent EVs. In April 2022, Consumer Reports conducted a survey called the Battery Electric Vehicles & Low Carbon Fuel Survey, which involved 8,027 US adults. The survey revealed that currently, only 2% of American drivers use an EV. Among the respondents, 51% cited environmental benefits as a key motivation for considering a switch to an EV. This finding is not surprising, given the growing concern for the environment and the desire to reduce carbon emissions.

Another significant factor identified in the survey was familiarity with EVs. Approximately 67% of those who expressed interest in purchasing or renting an EV considered themselves to be "very" or "somewhat" aware of what the ownership experience entailed. This suggests that consumers who are knowledgeable about EVs are more likely to consider them for their next vehicle purchase. In fact, 71% of those who were familiar with EVs stated that their next vehicle would be an electric one.

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