
Electric Cars: The Environment's True Allies

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【Summary】Electric cars are only better for the environment than gasoline cars if driven more than 50,000 miles, according to a study. Some owners who get rid of their electric vehicles early actually do more harm to the environment. The study suggests that those who rarely drive may be better off owning gasoline-powered vehicles. While improvements are being made, electric vehicles still have a long way to go in making a significant impact on saving the planet.

FutureCar Staff    Sep 02, 2023 5:02 PM PT
Electric Cars: The Environment's True Allies

A recent study has found that some electric vehicle (EV) owners are getting rid of their cars before reaching the recommended mileage for reducing carbon footprint. This behavior is actually doing more harm to the environment, according to the study. In light of this, experts suggest that these individuals might be better off driving traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) cars instead.

Woodley, one of the researchers involved in the study, stated, "If you're someone who drives a fair amount, then you are likely well-suited to drive an electric vehicle. However, if you seldom drive and the vehicle will mostly sit in the garage, you may counterintuitively be better off owning a gasoline-powered vehicle."

This finding aligns with what EV skeptics have been saying for years. While there have been improvements in EV efficiency, there is still a long way to go before they can have a significant impact on saving the planet.

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