
Luna's Talaria xXx: Defying Categories

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【Summary】The Luna Talaria xXx is an electric motorcycle that offers great specs and a well-built design. It weighs 125 lbs and comes with a 6kW motor and a 2.4kWh battery. It can reach speeds up to 30 mph and has a range of about 65 miles. The bike is legal to ride as a Class 3 pedal e-bike, but some customers choose to modify it for higher speeds. The Talaria xXx is praised for its acceleration, off-road capabilities, and high-quality components. The only downside is the small display.

FutureCar Staff    Sep 23, 2023 6:21 AM PT
Luna's Talaria xXx: Defying Categories

The Luna Talaria xXx electric motorcycle has made waves with its impressive specs and affordable price. Originally priced at $3000, it has now increased to $3550, but it still offers great value for money. However, there are questions about its legal status.

Let's start with the drool-worthy specs of the Talaria xXx. It features a 6kW peak, 3kW nominal motor that is 95% efficient and quiet. The battery has a capacity of around 2.4kWh and 40ah, with 21700 LG cells. The bike also comes with 4 piston hydraulic brakes, 17-inch Super Moto wheels, and DNM 8-inch suspension. It weighs 125lbs and has dimensions of 1840mm in length, 770mm in width, and 1070mm in height.

Luna offers a special Matte black version of the Talaria xXx with top-notch components. Despite its large battery and motor, it weighs about the same as some fat tire ebikes. It is relatively easy for one person to lift it into a truck, although carrying it up stairs would be challenging.

The shipping container is well-designed, with a wood micro-pallet on the bottom and a Talaria labeled cardboard frame. Luna's staging ensures that the bike arrives without any damage. Assembling the bike takes about 30 minutes, similar to other e-bikes. Luna recommends checking the torque on all the bolts.

One notable feature of the Talaria xXx is its use of a motorcycle chain instead of a bike chain. This allows the bike to handle the torque without damaging the sprockets, although it does make more noise while riding.

There is a brown wire in the Talaria xXx that Luna advises against cutting, as it may make the bike illegal. The bike is designed to stay under 30 mph (20 mph in eco mode) and is legal to be sold in the US. However, some owners have modified the bike to go faster, which may not comply with local laws.

While the Talaria xXx is mostly legal as a Class 3 e-bike in New York State, it may attract attention from law enforcement due to its motorcycle-like appearance. Luna recommends caution when riding the bike in areas where it may not be accepted.

Homologating the bike as a moped or motorcycle and obtaining plates may be a more realistic option for some riders. However, this would require additional modifications and may involve installing turn signals.

Despite the temptation to modify the bike, using it as Luna intended provides a great riding experience. The acceleration is impressive, and the bike's regeneration feature helps conserve energy. The range is also excellent, exceeding Luna's estimated 50 miles. The bike is comfortable for shorter trips, although the seat may become uncomfortable after extended use.

The Talaria xXx performs well on gravel and dirt roads, with exceptional off-the-line acceleration and hill-climbing capabilities. Luna even suggests that with a different controller, the motor can handle even more power and deliver a more robust power curve.

The components of the Talaria xXx are of high quality, from the brakes to the charger. The 10-amp charger can fully charge the battery in under four hours. The only downside, aside from the legal implications, is the small display, which may be difficult to read without glasses.

Overall, the Talaria xXx is an impressive and enjoyable e-bike. Its performance is already outstanding without any modifications. However, riders should be aware of the legal considerations and ride responsibly.

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