
Responsible Remarketing

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【Summary】Fleets have a responsibility to remarket vehicles responsibly as used car market values continue to decline. This means managing the placement of vehicles back into the market, avoiding flooding auctions with the same make and model. Utilizing digital wholesale platforms can provide greater visibility and reach potential buyers more effectively. A discreet approach to remarketing can lead to quicker sales, better negotiation leverage, and more efficient resource use.

FutureCar Staff    Oct 26, 2023 6:27 AM PT
Responsible Remarketing

Fleet companies have benefited from strong residual values as the market recovers from the pandemic. However, it is important for the industry to responsibly remarket vehicles when used values are undergoing a realignment.

Sogo mobility works closely with OEMs to ensure that remarketing channels are balanced and optimized. They prioritize discreet remarketing whenever possible to support residual values and protect the OEM brand. Placing a large number of the same make and model into a single sale at auction is not beneficial for any party involved.

In today's digital wholesale market, it is worth considering the increased visibility of stock across various portals. Buyers have a better understanding of the number of vehicles in the market and the prices they are achieving.

As a flexible mobility provider, Sogo focuses on remarketing late plate and premium brands. Their team takes a responsible approach to optimize returns and protect the brand, benefiting both parties and the industry as a whole.

Auction partners have expanded their offerings to include specialist sales for EVs and premium-grade vehicles. Collaborating with remarketing partners helps ensure the selection of the most appropriate sales to increase conversion rates and the percentage of clean vehicles.

In a challenging market, achieving key performance indicators can be difficult for remarketing managers. Flooding the market with large volumes of stock does not help anyone. A more discreet approach that considers the pace of supply into the market supports residual values for fleet companies and the wider industry.

The technology available allows sellers to target a select group of potential buyers who are specifically interested in the type of vehicles being sold. This can lead to quicker sales and more competitive offers. Tailoring the marketing strategy to the target audience's needs and preferences enhances the effectiveness of the sales process.

By dealing with a select group of potential buyers actively searching for specific vehicles, the sales process can be expedited, resulting in quicker transactions and a more efficient use of resources. A discreet approach also creates a sense of exclusivity and urgency among potential buyers, giving the seller more leverage in negotiations and leading to better outcomes.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of discreet vehicle remarketing may vary depending on the seller's specific circumstances and objectives. While it offers several advantages, sellers should carefully consider their goals and the nature of the vehicles they are selling when deciding on their remarketing strategy.

The remarketing sector and technology have advanced significantly over the past 20 years. It is crucial to take advantage of the variety of channels available, whether they are digital, physical, brand-exclusive, or open to all. An agnostic approach to remarketing strategy creates the most appropriate market for stock, benefiting both individual businesses and the market as a whole.

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