
Bentley's Road Trip Upgrade

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【Summary】Bentley has launched a new program called Bentley Extraordinary Journeys, where guests can embark on once-in-a-lifetime driving holidays. These journeys allow guests to drive Bentley cars along picturesque roads in various locations around the world. The program includes a tour of Bentley's factory, luxurious stops along the way, and ends with a visit to The Macallan distillery in Scotland. The program aims to provide an extraordinary and immersive experience for Bentley enthusiasts.

FutureCar Staff    Aug 15, 2023 9:48 AM PT
Bentley's Road Trip Upgrade

In modern marketing, certain superlatives are used so frequently that they have lost their meaning. Terms like "iconic" and "legendary" are thrown around without much thought, leaving consumers feeling jaded and skeptical. However, there are still brands that uphold the true definition of these words, and Bentley is one of them. With their new program called Bentley Extraordinary Journeys, they are offering once-in-a-lifetime driving holidays that truly live up to their name.

The concept behind Bentley Extraordinary Journeys is simple yet remarkable. Participants gather at a designated location, where they are provided with a fleet of Bentleys. From there, they embark on a picturesque journey along some of the most beautiful roads in the world. While this may seem like something that could be arranged by any car enthusiast with a group of friends and a map, Bentley has gone above and beyond to create experiences that are truly extraordinary. Plus, the added bonus of driving a brand-new Bentley is hard to resist.

Currently, there are six planned journeys taking place across the globe, from New Zealand to New Mexico. The first and perhaps the most exclusive journey is held in Britain, starting at the Bentley headquarters and ending at The Macallan, one of Bentley's long-standing partners. As I experienced the journey myself, I was constantly amazed at every turn.

The Extraordinary Journey UK begins with a unique breakfast at Bentley's CW1 House, a state-of-the-art showroom where the brand showcases its vision, prototypes, and history. Following breakfast, the journey kicks off with a comprehensive tour of the Bentley factory, providing a real behind-the-scenes look at the craftsmanship and dedication that goes into creating these luxury cars. The tour lasts over two hours and leaves no detail unexplored. It is evident that the people working at the factory take great pride in their work, and their passion shines through.

After the factory tour, a delicious lunch awaits back at CW1 House before a short break at a local hotel. The highlight of the first evening is a truly special and surreal dinner experience. Dining in the factory itself, surrounded by partially-completed vehicles, creates a unique atmosphere that most people will never get to experience. This opportunity to get closer to the heart of the brand builds excitement for the days ahead.

On the second day, the journey continues with a drive to Speyside. The fleet of Bentleys, consisting of Continental GTs and Flying Spurs, takes on the winding and scenic B-roads of Northumberland, crossing the border into Scotland. Along the way, there are plenty of luxurious stops, including a lunch at Grantley Hall, a stunning estate turned luxury hotel and spa. One of the advantages of traveling with Bentley is the support crew that takes care of everything. They handle luggage transfers, car maintenance, and ensure that each day begins with a fresh and clean vehicle.

The second night is spent at the secluded Treehouses at Lanrick, surrounded by the beauty of the Perthshire wilderness. The peacefulness and tranquility of this forest hideaway, combined with the luxury amenities, provide a perfect retreat. Dinner is served by the River Teith, creating a truly memorable dining experience.

The final leg of the journey takes the convoy through the breathtaking Cairngorms National Park, culminating at The Macallan Estate on Speyside. The Macallan is a renowned whisky producer, and the relationship between Bentley and The Macallan adds an extra level of exclusivity to the experience. A guided tour of the archives and the new distillery is followed by a tasting of rare Macallan expressions. The journey concludes with a dinner at the distillery, where guests can enjoy the best of northern Scotland's cuisine. To top it all off, a hidden bar reveals a bottle of the exceptional Macallan 30-year-old whisky for a final toast.

When I first learned about this trip, I was excited, but the actual experience exceeded my expectations. Bentley has truly created something extraordinary with their Extraordinary Journeys program. The attention to detail, the breathtaking routes, and the seamless organization make it a journey of a lifetime. The price for the Extraordinary Journey UK program is £14,950 per person, based on two people sharing. For more information, visit

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