
Cox Automotive and Hendy's Fundraising Efforts for Shelter Charity

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【Summary】Cox Automotive and Hendy Group raised £2,300 for Shelter Charity through a fund-raising sleepout. The event aimed to raise awareness and funds for housing and homelessness. A donated Citroen and sponsorship contributed to the total amount. Cox Automotive hopes to raise tens of thousands more for the cause through future events. Shelter provides assistance and campaigns for better housing conditions for those in need.

FutureCar Staff    Aug 12, 2023 9:39 AM PT
Cox Automotive and Hendy's Fundraising Efforts for Shelter Charity

Cox Automotive team members recently organized a fund-raising event called the "sleepout" to support the housing and homelessness charity Shelter. The aim of the sleepout was to raise awareness and funds for the cause, and it was just one of many events planned by Cox Automotive to raise tens of thousands of pounds.

During the sleepout, a Citroen donated by Hendy Group was auctioned by Manheim Auction Services, contributing £1,100 to the total funds raised. The remaining amount came from sponsorship.

Sam Panayides, Cox Automotive's sales director, participated in the sleepout along with 10 teammates. Reflecting on the experience, she expressed her pride in being part of a team that was willing to take part and make a difference. She also acknowledged the privilege of being able to return to a safe and comfortable home after the event, unlike the millions of people in the UK who face homelessness or live in unfit and unsafe housing.

Shelter, Cox Automotive's charity partner, plays a crucial role in helping people in housing need by providing advice and practical assistance. The organization also advocates for better investment in housing and for laws and policies that can improve the lives of those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

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