
Resitting A-Level Exams: 2023's Results Day

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【Summary】A-level results day has arrived for students in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. This year, there has been a decrease in top grades due to stricter marking. Students who didn't achieve their desired grades are considering whether to resit their exams. Factors to consider include how close they were to the grade boundaries and their desired university course. Options include remarking papers, trying clearing, or resitting exams.

FutureCar Staff    Aug 17, 2023 10:29 AM PT
Resitting A-Level Exams: 2023's Results Day

Students in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland have received their A-level results, which will determine their admission to university. The class of '23 has experienced a decline in top grades due to stricter marking. Exam boards have aimed to restore pre-pandemic standards by reducing leniency, a decision that has been criticized by some students.

Given the increased difficulty in achieving higher grades, it is important for students to be aware of this year's grade boundaries. It is also advisable to have backup university options in case the results do not meet expectations.

If the results fall significantly short of the desired grades, one important consideration is whether to resit the A-level exams. While this decision can be challenging, it may be the right choice for those who wish to pursue a university degree.

So, how does the resit process work? Let's explore the options.

Can you resit A-Levels? The answer is yes. However, whether it is the right option depends on the grades achieved, their proximity to the grade boundaries, and the desired university course of study.

For instance, if the grades are only slightly below the desired marks, it may be worthwhile to request a remark instead of resitting the exams. Alternatively, if the grades do not meet the requirements of the chosen firm or insurance university but may be accepted by another institution, clearing can be explored.

On the other hand, if the grades are significantly lower than expected and prevent admission to university or desired career paths, resitting the exams may be the best option. It is crucial to carefully consider the implications of this decision, as retaking A-levels requires a significant commitment.

If the decision is made to resit the exams, the first step is to inform the school or college. Depending on the chosen approach, students can either resit all subjects or focus on a specific subject. If immediate resitting is preferred without additional learning, the school or college can enroll the student for the exams in October. Alternatively, if redoing the entire year is necessary, students can request enrollment for another year or apply to study elsewhere.

For those retaking the year, attendance in most lessons or lectures from the previous academic year is likely required. However, if only one or two subjects are being resat, attendance may be limited to those specific subjects. Retention of coursework grades may be possible, but this varies among exam boards.

If returning to school or college is not feasible, private tutors can be hired for in-person or online instruction. While this option can lead to improved grades, it comes with expenses such as course fees for tuition and materials, as well as exam costs.

Another option to consider is clearing. If the A-level grades do not meet expectations but are not low enough to warrant resitting exams, clearing allows students to explore alternative universities and courses with lower grade requirements. However, not all universities may accept changes in subject choices.

When considering clearing, it is important to carefully evaluate whether the available universities and courses align with personal needs and goals. The clearing process is open until October 17, 2023, and applications can be made through the UCAS website.

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