
Volkswagen ID.3 - visual examination

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【Summary】Jaguar unveils its first all-electric four-door GT, priced at £100k, marking the brand's entry into the electric vehicle market.

FutureCar Staff    Aug 16, 2023 10:02 AM PT
Volkswagen ID.3 - visual examination

Jaguar is set to enter a new era with the introduction of their electric four-door GT. This sleek and stylish vehicle will be the first of its kind in Jaguar's lineup, signaling the brand's commitment to an all-electric future.

With its cutting-edge technology and impressive performance, the electric four-door GT is expected to make waves in the automotive industry. Jaguar enthusiasts and eco-conscious drivers alike are eagerly anticipating its release.

While the exact details are still under wraps, it is estimated that the electric four-door GT will have a price tag of around £100k. This puts it in the luxury car segment, further solidifying Jaguar's reputation for crafting high-quality vehicles.

Jaguar's move towards electric vehicles aligns with the global shift towards sustainability and reducing carbon emissions. By investing in electric technology, Jaguar is taking a proactive stance in combating climate change and creating a greener future.

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